Supported Hagen Inc. and Carousel30 with leadership interviews and public relations strategies for PAHO Foundation, an independent 501(c)3 that mobilizes private sector resources to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of the Americas.
tYc conducted insights interviews with national health professional societies and patient advocates to better understand (mis)perceptions about the condition of heart failure that impacts nearly six million Americans. These interviews helped to shed light on challenges of a condition that is on the rise with upwards of 700,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Insights and research helped shape a message platform that addresses the pervasiveness and urgency of heart failure.
Teaming up with hagen, inc., we created a message training workshop for the Global Partnership for Output-Based Aid within the World Bank. The half-day session guided staff on telling the trust fund's powerful stories with emotion and evidence and communicating the "new" brand and its unique value to donors, development partners, and stakeholders.
Several crew members helped judge the 2011 Awards for Excellence in Public Health Communication, National Public Health Information Coalition
Moderator for Summit Health Institute for Research and Education’s panel on “Using Social and Other Media to Support Community Engagement”
At the invitation of PRSA Maryland, tYc assembled a panel of judges via Skype including Berry Brady and Bill Furmanski for PRSA's Central Michigan Chapter's PACE awards in public service, innovative tactics, and shoestring budgets, areas that the team knows a thing or two about.